Restless and discontent? Feeling like you’re wearing a size 6 life on a size 10 soul? You’re not alone. Many of you Taureans, normally the most stable of creatures, are feeling restive. The worst part is, you’re not quite sure what to do about it.
Sometimes there’s nothing to do but lower your head and rip down a few fences. This month may be one of those times. The ongoing sense of undifferentiated discomfort could result in a few major tell-off sessions at work and in your social life; some of them may be justified, but be careful.
Did you really mean to bite the heads off three co-workers this week? Is it really possible that all your friends suck, that you should blow off the lot of them and start over? Or is it possible that your discontent lies much closer to home?
To be blunt, deeper personal dissatisfaction is more likely. If your fantasies aren’t matching up with your reality, whether they be romantic fantasies or idealized visions of how your life is supposed to look, those are the issues you need to deal with. The fences that are causing your current claustrophobia are more personal than social.
When the time comes to charge, remember that it’s those self-imposed limitations that cause the most grief. There’s no need for them any more, Taurus. Life’s on the move, so make your changes count.
Sometimes there’s nothing to do but lower your head and rip down a few fences. This month may be one of those times. The ongoing sense of undifferentiated discomfort could result in a few major tell-off sessions at work and in your social life; some of them may be justified, but be careful.
Did you really mean to bite the heads off three co-workers this week? Is it really possible that all your friends suck, that you should blow off the lot of them and start over? Or is it possible that your discontent lies much closer to home?
To be blunt, deeper personal dissatisfaction is more likely. If your fantasies aren’t matching up with your reality, whether they be romantic fantasies or idealized visions of how your life is supposed to look, those are the issues you need to deal with. The fences that are causing your current claustrophobia are more personal than social.
When the time comes to charge, remember that it’s those self-imposed limitations that cause the most grief. There’s no need for them any more, Taurus. Life’s on the move, so make your changes count.
sex life
Everyone wants to know what the hell is going on with your love life, but so far, you’re not talking. Other people are demanding and unpredictable, and this includes friends who ought to know better. You have something in mind, don’t you? By the Full Moon of the 15th, you’ll have already ruffled a few tailfeathers, especially if you’re involved in any kind of emotional triangle at all.
Romance is definitely in the air, so do what you have to do, but remember that your social life is inextricably tied up with all this—there’s no way to make any bold moves without facing some stiff repercussions among friends, colleagues, and social groups. Every action has a reaction, you know, and secrets won’t stay secret for very long, not in this astrological climate. Have fun, but heads up....
public life
Work will be incredibly busy again, with big changes on the agenda. Try to be patient as you work through the hitches in the first couple of weeks; on the 24th, Mercury turns retrograde, and all bets are off—it’ll be a madhouse.
Regardless of the frequent snags and blowups, a mood of cooperation can ultimately prevail. Even if you’re questioned more than you like, understand that it’s done from a desire to find some form of compromise—they’re not just doing it to piss you off, I promise. Teamwork can accomplish a lot this month.
(photo above: Sky and Sand by cuellar. View it here.)
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