
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

October 2008 Monthly Horoscopes

October 2008 Horoscopes are here...

the month in brief

(individual scopes below)

If it seems like we’re spending this month hashing over the same old issues again, that’s because we are. Frustrating? Boring? Well, yeah. But it’s different this time, I promise. We’ve gone over and over and over this crap enough times now that surely we’ve learned something, surely we know more about what we want, surely we can move forward this time without the never-ending backpeddling. Surely.

Actually, we have one more month of tying up the loose threads of the old life, before we move on to the new one. Mercury is retrograde in Libra, and won’t be out of his own shadow until Oct. 31. Expect discussions. In fact, expect a bit of bullshit. The difference now is that we know the BS when we hear it—god knows we’ve heard it already, even when it comes out of our own mouths—and we can actively work to cut through the cloud of fancy verbal footwork and ambiguous promises.

October also brings the next round of the Mind Vs. Gut games. There’s power in rational discourse, and there’s power in emotional appeals—these equal forces are meeting head-on, and the sparks are flying. The Saturn/Uranus opposition is in full swing, but so is the Pallas/Lilith opposition; there’s a huge gulf between the head and the heart, the reasonable and the intuitive. Many of us are swinging like yo-yos back and forth between the two.

Sanity? Don’t look for it just yet. The best we can hope for is the understanding that, hey, we’re all going through this crazy business together. There’s a fine line between constructive flexibility and evasive fickleness, and the prize goes to the one who can find it.

The scopes are designed to give overall themes for both Sun signs and Ascendant signs. Always read both, no matter whose scopes you're scoping.

(if you don't know your Ascendant, get a free computer-calculated chart at http://www.astro.com/)

(remember, all scopes are my opinion-- no more, no less. for entertainment purposes only.) Copyright Laura F. Walton