In terms of love and relationships, Venus' sign position indicates that which the subject finds pleasing. This includes fashion and styles of decor, as well as styles of lovers, partners, and relating.
(Remember that these are broad generalizations; romantic tendencies are the result of a sum total of all the factors in a natal chart. A full reading takes all the mitigating factors into consideration, while these are just brief snapshot delineations.)
Venus in Aries
Venus in Aries is passionate, fiery, and very demonstrative. This Venus is impressed by energetic activity, and will never settle for love with a sedentary remote control jockey. Can be selfish and petulant at times, but usually makes friends easily. Falls in love quickly, sometimes impetuously.
Aesthetic Sense: Venus in Aries is not turned on by either frippery or subtlety. This Venus desires bold colors, lively interaction, and changing scenery. Bedroom scenarios don't need to be elaborately staged-- in fact, this Venus is often fine skipping the bedroom altogether in favor of the hallway, the back seat, wherever.
Venus in Taurus
Venus in Taurus is the most sensual Venus around, bar none. Loving, warm, and patient, this Venus radiates comfort and luxury. Often conservative romantics who appreciate the customs of traditional courtship. Can be possessive and stubborn, but are extremely dedicated to both friends and lovers.
Aesthetic Sense: Tastes, smells, textures, colors...this is Venus at her most sensory, and she can be easily turned off by rough or hurried behavior. Look for a conservative, tasteful fashion sense with rich touches. This is definitely a wine and candlelight sign.
Venus in Gemini
Venus in Gemini is always attracted to wit and intellect. Highly talkative and flirtatious, these folks must feel mentally stimulated by their partners, as well their social group. Can be deceitful, but this is usually tempered by Sun sign or other chart factors. This Venus is lively and optimistic, and is turned off by constant melancholy or brooding.
Aesthetic Sense: These folks are often more sensual than they seem; it's just that they process sensory stimuli almost instantly, and are soon rushing off to the next experience. They can be easily physically agitated, especially if stimulants are involved. Light affection and laughter is what this Venus craves.
Venus in Cancer
Venus in Cancer is very caring, home-loving, and protective. This is a very maternal Venus, and both males and females with this placing will tend to mother (or smother!) their partners. Most desire children and a traditional family. Extremely sensitive to their partner's needs and very sentimental, these folks can't stand indifferent or cold treatment.
Aesthetic Sense: The sense of style is highly recognizable: think Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter movies. Their clothes and homes will always have handmade touches, especially crochets, laces, and antiques. This is a also a sensual sign, but colored by emotion; they are turned on by endearments and loving touch. Does not usually eroticize sex so much as emotionalize it.
Venus in Leo
Venus in Leo is a warm-hearted and demonstrative, and absolutely must have the same in return. Very loyal and sincere, these folks seek a partner who enjoys the limelight; this is a very popular placement for Venus, and it will come with a sparkling social scene. Has an innate sense of dignity, and sometimes a touchy ego. Will not stand a crude partner who persists in low behavior.
Aesthetic Sense: Leo Venus is practically synonomous with "aesthetic sense." These people have exquisite taste in almost anything. Their style will be dashing and perfectly put-together, often a bit extravagant (in a tasteful way, of course.) They love to be assured that they are indeed the greatest lovers in the world, so never hold back on the appreciative moans and compliments.
Venus in Virgo
Venus in Virgo is helpful, with a sense of genuine frankness that can be irresistable. They must be made aware of their tendency to criticize, though; nagging is a fault. Needs a sincere, committed partner who is also a good friend. This Venus is turned on by a partner who promises to be a good friend as well as a lover.
Aesthetic Sense: Venus in Virgo is rarely flashy or stylish. They are attracted to cleanliness and detail, though, and you'll rarely find a slob among them. Innately neat, they do not usually care for sordid sexual scenes, dirty environments, or exuberant messiness-- though sometimes you'll find a carefully hidden tendency toward the extreme opposite. (This is a dual sign, like Pisces or Gemini, but the duality is almost always hidden, sometimes denied or repressed. The Sun sign will mitigate, though.)
Venus in Libra
Venus in Libra needs love and romance more than any other Venus sign. These folks are charming and sociable in a relaxed way, but can be lazy, expecting their partners to present love to them on a silver platter. Demonstrative and tactful, this Venus is attracted to pleasant, warm situations and partners; they will cringe away from a distant or tense relationship.
Aesthetic Sense: Another extremely aesthetic sign, but where Leo's style is dramatic and bold, Libra's is refined and cultured. This Venus is not at all averse to sex, but can approach it more romantically/idealistically than sensually; a relaxed, natural rapport will open them up more easily than insistent displays of emotion or lust.
Venus in Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio is seductive! This is one of the placements of the femme fatale; there is an intense need for sexual and romantic merging. Jealousy and rivalry can often be an issue. This Venus will not tolerate flirtatious or uncertain partners, but is very demonstrative, passionate, and physically affectionate.
Aesthetic Sense: As far as personal style, this Venus can go whatever way it needs to go to get the job done. "Sultry" is one word that usually fits. There is an intensity to love and sex that is largely unmatched; these folks require regular doses of deep passion, and if they don't get it in bed, they'll get it however they must-- even by instigating screaming, dish-throwing fights.
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius is attracted to adventure. If this means you, you're partner material; if you fail to meet this Venus' need for spontaneity and broad vistas, they'll move on. These folks make excellent, enlivening friends and exciting partners, but there must be a philosophical rapport as well as a physical one.
Aesthetic Sense: This Venus' sense of style is often casual but up-to-date. They can lean toward scruffiness in some cases, but it's usually stylish scruff, carried with such an affable air that they look fantastic. In bed, you'll find enthusiasm and a willingness to experiment, but look elsewhere for emotional displays.
Venus in Capricorn
Venus in Capricorn is attracted to conservative, stable friends and partners. This is not a sign that will settle for numerous casual relationships; they must feel like the union is building toward a bigger, more secure future. They will rarely tolerate impetuous soldier-of-fortune types, and can be a bit bossy. Very loyal and dedicated, although they can have problems expressing their affection.
Aesthetic Sense: All style choices made by Venus in Capricorn have a practical, conservative underpinning. They can be tightwads, but when they make a choice, it's usually one that will bring them long-term value-- that includes the choice of a partner. In bed, sensuality is not out of the question, but it will be a traditional sensuality; this is not an experimental or highly seductive Venus.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in Aquarius is attracted to eccentricity. These folks respond to mental stimulation, and can be startled by heavy emotion or blatant lust. Aloof and cool, but loyal and affectionate if their imaginations are captured. They will not tolerate a partner who is dull, controlling, or manipulative in any way.
Aesthetic Sense: The sense of style is always unique, and there is a cool quality that brings them wide admiration. This Venus tends to attract unconventional situations and lovers; in bed, they are friendly and very experimental. A certain dispassionate approach to romance appears at times, and can be quite puzzling!
Venus in Pisces
Venus in Pisces is attracted to vulnerability. This Venus is often taken advantage of due to its sympathetic, idealistic nature. Tends to be very passive, but deeply sensual and sensitive. Basically loyal, but they do have a tendency to drift from partner to partner, especially if their feelings get hurt or ignored.
Aesthetic Sense: Venus is Pisces has a dreamy, floating style; these folks are often easily recognizable by their soft fluidity, regardless of sex. Like Virgo, they tend to accumulate shocking lists of lovers and experiences, but you'll often hear "It just sort of happened!" with a shrug and a wistful smile. They exist to please, and can be anything, at any time, with anyone. Enough said.
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