
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Virgo in May 2008

virgo the virgin

24 august -- 22 september

virgo in may

Okay, so I’m in the middle of drafting horoscopes and I get hungry. There’s bread, a tub of some sort of hydrogenated butter-like substance, and American cheese slices....grilled cheese it is. I go through the ritual—butter the bread, get out the skillet, turn on the fire, commence grilling—all the while contemplating Virgo’s upcoming astrological month.

I sit back down to type, take a bite of this little piece of perfectly browned comfort-food heaven, and discover that I’ve left the plastic wrapper on the cheese.

Hmm. Just like Virgo’s May, I’m thinking.

In real life, Virgo would never leave out a little detail like removing the wrapper from the Kraft singles. May is not exactly real life, though.

Oh, it’ll start out okay enough. You have so many great planets crossing the top of your chart, it’s guaranteed that you’ll shine like the star you are for the first couple of weeks. You have some incredible support behind you, too, with strong planets in good aspect, all in sister earth signs.

If you have anything important to do, like meeting a work deadline or presenting a plea to the United Nations, do it in the first two weeks. Starting with the full Moon on the 19th, it all goes wonky.

Mercury, your accepted chart ruler, goes retrograde in Gemini, right at the top of your chart. Chiron, your proposed chart co-ruler, goes retrograde in your house of daily details. Neptune, in conjunction with the North Node, also goes retrograde here, in your daily house.

This is not to mention Mars moving up behind you into Leo, in your twelfth house of unconscious motivations, slips of the tongue, and inexplicable behavior.

I don’t believe that the planetary haywire will result in anything more serious than a few erroneous grilled cheese sandwiches, metaphorically speaking-- not if you pay extra attention and keep yourself focused.

Keeping yourself focused may be a task, though. Extra exercise helps, as does plenty of time spent working with your hands. You need to move into the security and reliability of your body, and out of the unfamiliar muddle that will be your brain.

It’ll pass, most of it by July. Meantime, double-check the details, and try to laugh off the near-misses. A little plastic wrap never killed anybody.

Good Things: Admiration and notice comes rolling in for any recent career moves. All eyes are on you, so keep up the great work!

Sex Life: Issues from the past. Issues from the past. Issues from the past.