The recent California court decision to withdraw the state’s ban on gay marriages has, to no one’s great surprise, created a wave of controversy.
Conservative groups are rallying their lawyers, petitioning the Courts, and generally mustering support for a counter-ruling. After a day or two of celebrating, proponents of same-sex marriages are doing much the same—lobbying, petitioning, and gathering counterarguments to counter the counters of the counters.
It’s a lot like a battlefield, with generals and analysts on both sides poring over their plans, trying to shuffle their resources around in the most strategic way possible. The border territory is hotly contested, and nobody really knows where it will be six months from now.
But what about the people who actually live in this seesawing space between right and wrong as interpreted by law and/or consensus morality? What about the couples who will line up outside innumerable courthouse steps on June 16 to grab their licenses while they can, before the next skirmish action declares them once again citizens of an illegitimate no-man’s-land?
Many astrologers take a keen interest in the political climate of the day, and some of them are terribly good at making predictions. I, on the other hand, pay attention to political skirmishing only in relation to the individual lives of those I care about. Call me cynical or apathetic or whatever you will, but I know very well that these societal borderlines change faster than you can say “Now what comes after the Postmodern Era again?” While giving all due respect and admiration to those who fight the fights, I have my place.
Since many marriages will spring from this decision, it seems that my place is to make a few comments on the unions themselves. While the most important factor in any astrological analysis of a marriage in potentia is the chart of the actual wedding day, the decision date itself seems very relevant in this case.
On the day of the decision, May 16, Jupiter was very well supported. Jupiter, that fat jolly giant in the sky, rules Law. Oh, Saturn and Mars rule codified laws and their enforcement, but Jupiter rules the great overarching philosophy that states “groups and societies ought to come to some sort of agreement, don’t cha know, so that everybody manages to keep out of everybody else’s hair as much as possible.” You know, Law with the capital L, not laws as in those silly little rules that get changed at the whim of whoever has the most money or squeakiest wheel.
With Jupiter presiding, I’d venture far enough out into political territory to say that any unions springing from the decision at least have Law on their side. Even considering those little-L laws that may or may not stand, Jupiter’s not a bad ally.
Neptune, on the other hand, was active and a bit stressed. While Neptune can make dreams come true, he can also represent the false romantic illusions we create about our partners and ourselves.
It may be morally, ethically, legally, and philosophically right to get married as a result of this decision, but make sure it’s also personally right. There’s no need to rush out and get married just because you can, unless you and your partner share strong political convictions to the contrary. If that’s the case (if, for instance, you’re still not quite sure about him or her, but feel it’s your duty to make a stand for a greater cause) then go for it, but go for it with both eyes open.
This advice is directed more toward new relationships than long-term partnerships. Long-established relationships should have less of a problem with Neptune-- after you’ve been together for ten years, illusions are less of an issue.
In fact, the best advice for a happy marriage I’ve ever heard was this: “Go into it with both eyes open, and them keep them half-shut thereafter.” You long-timers out there know this one better than I do, I’m sure.
The asteroids were well-aspected, especially for lesbian couples. Pallas was involved in a beautiful Grand Trine with Saturn and Pluto, and women should be able to maintain their individuality and independence easily within the relationship (and wasn’t that what attracted you in the first place?) Juno in conjunction with Pluto lends extra force to partnership matters in general; even though Juno can be a bit of a shrew at times, she’s the very archetype of the loyal wife.
I won’t venture any further than this, since we’re talking in very broad generalities; personal marriage charts will have to take up where I’m leaving off. The California decision is one that may or may not have lasting consequences on the laws governing the nation, but it certainly will have lasting consequences in the lives of the many couples who decide to tie the knot after June 16.
From my little place in the scheme of things, I just want to remind you: it’s all about the love, people. For all its ups and downs, rights and wrongs, love really does make the world go ‘round.
Conservative groups are rallying their lawyers, petitioning the Courts, and generally mustering support for a counter-ruling. After a day or two of celebrating, proponents of same-sex marriages are doing much the same—lobbying, petitioning, and gathering counterarguments to counter the counters of the counters.
It’s a lot like a battlefield, with generals and analysts on both sides poring over their plans, trying to shuffle their resources around in the most strategic way possible. The border territory is hotly contested, and nobody really knows where it will be six months from now.
But what about the people who actually live in this seesawing space between right and wrong as interpreted by law and/or consensus morality? What about the couples who will line up outside innumerable courthouse steps on June 16 to grab their licenses while they can, before the next skirmish action declares them once again citizens of an illegitimate no-man’s-land?
Many astrologers take a keen interest in the political climate of the day, and some of them are terribly good at making predictions. I, on the other hand, pay attention to political skirmishing only in relation to the individual lives of those I care about. Call me cynical or apathetic or whatever you will, but I know very well that these societal borderlines change faster than you can say “Now what comes after the Postmodern Era again?” While giving all due respect and admiration to those who fight the fights, I have my place.
Since many marriages will spring from this decision, it seems that my place is to make a few comments on the unions themselves. While the most important factor in any astrological analysis of a marriage in potentia is the chart of the actual wedding day, the decision date itself seems very relevant in this case.
On the day of the decision, May 16, Jupiter was very well supported. Jupiter, that fat jolly giant in the sky, rules Law. Oh, Saturn and Mars rule codified laws and their enforcement, but Jupiter rules the great overarching philosophy that states “groups and societies ought to come to some sort of agreement, don’t cha know, so that everybody manages to keep out of everybody else’s hair as much as possible.” You know, Law with the capital L, not laws as in those silly little rules that get changed at the whim of whoever has the most money or squeakiest wheel.
With Jupiter presiding, I’d venture far enough out into political territory to say that any unions springing from the decision at least have Law on their side. Even considering those little-L laws that may or may not stand, Jupiter’s not a bad ally.
Neptune, on the other hand, was active and a bit stressed. While Neptune can make dreams come true, he can also represent the false romantic illusions we create about our partners and ourselves.
It may be morally, ethically, legally, and philosophically right to get married as a result of this decision, but make sure it’s also personally right. There’s no need to rush out and get married just because you can, unless you and your partner share strong political convictions to the contrary. If that’s the case (if, for instance, you’re still not quite sure about him or her, but feel it’s your duty to make a stand for a greater cause) then go for it, but go for it with both eyes open.
This advice is directed more toward new relationships than long-term partnerships. Long-established relationships should have less of a problem with Neptune-- after you’ve been together for ten years, illusions are less of an issue.
In fact, the best advice for a happy marriage I’ve ever heard was this: “Go into it with both eyes open, and them keep them half-shut thereafter.” You long-timers out there know this one better than I do, I’m sure.
The asteroids were well-aspected, especially for lesbian couples. Pallas was involved in a beautiful Grand Trine with Saturn and Pluto, and women should be able to maintain their individuality and independence easily within the relationship (and wasn’t that what attracted you in the first place?) Juno in conjunction with Pluto lends extra force to partnership matters in general; even though Juno can be a bit of a shrew at times, she’s the very archetype of the loyal wife.
I won’t venture any further than this, since we’re talking in very broad generalities; personal marriage charts will have to take up where I’m leaving off. The California decision is one that may or may not have lasting consequences on the laws governing the nation, but it certainly will have lasting consequences in the lives of the many couples who decide to tie the knot after June 16.
From my little place in the scheme of things, I just want to remind you: it’s all about the love, people. For all its ups and downs, rights and wrongs, love really does make the world go ‘round.
Have a story you’d like to tell? I’d love to hear your perspective! Leave a comment below.
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