It's been a bit of a tense week.
Nagging, arguing, criticizing, nitpicking, second-guessing, stubbornly refusing to budge...all perfectly understandable forms of entertainment during a Mars/Saturn conjunction in Virgo, and most of us have been on either the giving or the receiving end of at least one of them.
Big fun, huh? Is it over yet?
The good news is: yes, this round of tension is almost over. Mars reached its exact conjunction with Saturn on the 11th/12th, and by Sunday afternoon, Mars will have moved on to bigger and better things.
Not that you won't still have some broken dishes to sweep up-- transiting aspects are largely finished once they reach their exact degree and move on, but there's still a resolution phase involved as the planets separate.
There's always a hangover, and this one is just the opening act of the upcoming major drama between Saturn and Uranus.
When a faster-moving planet like Mars passes a heavy-hitter like Saturn, the smaller planet tends to pick up important life themes and move them forward. This time, it was the willful, Aries-like, head-butting energy of Mars that agitated Saturn's stern sense of restriction and propriety.
Mars will carry some of that conflict forward, and begin an opposition to iconoclastic Uranus in early August. Whatever themes came forward for you during the Mars/Saturn conjunction, you'll still be dealing with them over the next few weeks.
With shocking, unpredictable Uranus involved, we may find ourselves raging against the machine.
With shocking, unpredictable Uranus involved, we may find ourselves raging against the machine.
It won't be wild, undirected rage at any old machine, though. The active role in this little drama is played from the Virgo perspective, and that means specific and meticulous. This is not a time for uncontrolled fits of reactionary rebellion; it's a time for well-planned, thoroughly rehearsed escape plans. Mars' job is to illuminate the territory. When you have a clear picture of the situation in question, you can begin plotting.
Of course, Mars has already agitated a few skirmishes, but those are just the preliminaries. Spend the rest of the summer laying intelligent groundwork, and when the larger forces begin moving in the fall, you'll be ready.
Saturn in Virgo won't reward half-cocked Uranian tantrums, but he will reward sustained effort toward freeing that one area of your life that has become such a prison. Whether it's a relationship issue, a financial or career issue, or some outworn attitude within your own psyche, a revolution is in order.
But make it a smart revolution.
("Revolution: Just Do It" photo posted by Steffen on Photokej. View it here.)
Will not Uranus disrupt Mars in Virgo's best laid plans? It's like trying to plan a trip to Chaos.
It's like trying to plan a trip to Chaos.
That's exactly what it feels like to me, right now at least! Here's the analogy I have in my head:
You meticulously plan out a trip to an unfamiliar city-- you know what sites you want to visit, what restaraunts you want to try, the whole bit. You have...(dramatic pause) Itinerary!
Once there, though, the rental car breaks down, the major sites are closed due to unseasonal moose migration, the restaurants have all relocated. The Itinerary is completely shot. Once you get past the thwarted-Virgo freakout, though, you venture out into the strange city, and wind up learning more about it than you ever would've if you'd followed your original plan. In fact, in a strange and unexpected way, you find exactly what you need to find, and later realize you've had the time of your life!
But you might never have left the house in the first place without the Itinerary....
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