
Thursday, January 31, 2008

You And Me Baby

"You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals...."

So goes the song, anyway. It's a strange song (and quite an odd video) but it does raise the question: why is sexuality so complicated for humans?

We are mammals, after all. In Class Mammalia (which includes everything from mice to men to marmots) we find a stunning array of sexual behavior. Sex for procreation, sex for stress relief, sex for domination, sex to mark territory, sex just to say "Howdy!", group sex, solo sex, rotating harems, same-sex relationships, voyerism, exhibitionism, masturbation with non-mammalian objects...you name it, and some animal other than a human is engaged in it right now.

Of course, they're probably not filming it and selling over the internet, but that's just because they haven't figured out how to call tech support.

We are called "the thinking animal" for good reason: we can't just do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. We have to think about it. And talk about it and write books about it. And hire scientists and therapists to think about it some more.

And (she grins sheepishly) ask astrologers about it. Any astrologer will tell you that the most common questions always center around the human love life.

Our sexuality lies in an entangled area of overlapping needs and desires, tempered by our culture, our personal upbringing, and our past experiences (to quote: "it's freakin' complicated.") Astrology, along with other metaphoric systems for peering at the world, can sometimes offer personal insight to those who want to dig a little deeper into the mysteries of their own complexity.

It's not so much about prediction, not really. Self-awareness is what it's all about.

It's hard to find a good balance between all those overlapping desires without some idea of what they actually are. Taking a look at your natal horoscope can be a step toward mapping out your own needs as an individual.

Yes, it's all based on the idea that we're affected by the motion of big lumps of rock and gas floating hundreds of thousands of miles away.

On the other hand, is this really any more inexplicable than the bizarre behavior of your last girlfriend?

As you may have already noticed, I'm a bit intellectually obsessed myself. I have Mars in Gemini, trine Venus in Aquarius, trine Pluto in Libra, plus an Aquarian eighth house holding Mercury and Jupiter, the planetary ruler of my chart.

What does that mean? Well, I'm going to fill you in over the next few weeks by adding information on how Mars, Venus, and Pluto in the signs affect your tendencies to like/hate/lust after certain experiences and people.

Until then...safety first, and happy hunting!

(Don't forget to check out the Monthly Horoscopes for February.)