
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Leo in October 2008

leo, the lion

july 22 -- august 21

leo in october


So much seems to be riding on the choices you have before you-- do you make your stand for Truth, Freedom, and Reasonably-Priced Love*, or do you stick with the sure paycheck? Pride tastes pretty awful, when it’s you that has to swallow it.

No matter how urgent these decisions seem to be, trust me: this is still not the right time to make them. Some of you are facing immediate pressures in financial matters, while some of you are facing them at home or in your love life—and for some of you, it’s a complicated combination of all three.

Try to relax, if you can. This is really not a bad month at all, so long as you stay calm; there’s a danger of overworking your mouth again, especially if you feel any threat to your territory, whatever that may be.

The talk will flow this month, but at least half of it is circular and pointless—well, almost pointless. Your job is to a.) find one place to make your stand, b.) pick your battles very very wisely, and c.) get really good at sifting through endless conversations for the tiny bits of pertinent, sincere information. You’ll know those bits by the way they actually lead, even if tentatively, into the future, instead of wandering around defensively in the past.

*Thanks to Terry Pratchett for a battle cry we can all get behind....

sex life

By the end of this year, your love life will have been completely renewed. By the end of October, you’ll have seen another major step in this process. But first, you’ll have to remember how to be vulnerable.

“How much more vulnerable can I get?” you may ask. Well, certain astrological aspects are asking you to make one more push. It may be high time for a nice mini-breakdown, or at least a sincere outpouring of all that confusion and hurt. What, you think we don’t know? You’re trying so hard to seem more in control than you actually are, but who do you think you’re fooling, really?

Open up to the compassion and understanding of those closest to you. You’ll know when the times comes. It may leave you feeling pretty raw for a few days, but hang in there—something beautiful will come along before Halloween arrives, and your faith, hope, and joy will be renewed. Really.

public life

This may try your patience at times, but do your best to stick with your task, chores, and deadlines. Attention to the basics will continue to bring you unexpected opportunities. None of these new gigs are easy, though; all require hard work and focus, and may not result in big bags of money, at least not at first. Stick with them, though. There’s good, solid luck here.

But avoid beginning anything too new this month; you’re better off with offers arising from old arrangements, old clients, or old friends. Be very cautious about paperwork! Read everything twice. Watch budgets, too, and all correspondence; Mercury is in a horrible mood this month, and he’s doing his thing in your House of Communication. Check your oil while you’re at it, too, and make sure you have a working spare.