
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Virgo in October 2008

virgo, the virgin

august 22 -- september 21

virgo in october


It’ll be thinking kind of month, dear Virgo. “But they’re all thinking kind of months!” you say? Not quite like this one.

Endless analysis of your current situation is almost useless; fact-gathering will just send you in circles. If you want to make it into November without tearing your hair out, you’ll have to stretch as far as you can in the direction of...let’s say, at the risk of sounding disgustingly New Agey, wholistic thoughtfulness.

You have relationship issues. You have work issues and health issues. You have core identity issues. You have old dreams that are fading quickly into regrets. The knee-jerk reaction is to challenge all these issues mentally—get them figured out, sorted, and filed into appropriate categories—before they overwhelm you and life as you know it.

You can make significant progress in October if you can shut down the mental surgery long enough to feel the larger implications of what’s going on. Use your gut. When events and confrontations happen, fuzz the sharp focus of your mind (which isn’t very reliable this month, anyway) and take in the larger picture.

It all fits, somehow. You may not get it figured out in one month, but you’re in a sterling position to see more of the big picture than you ever have before.

sex life

The daily grind continues to turn up new and interesting love life possibilities, as your old life becomes increasingly frustrating. The “us/mine” theme just keeps nagging away—how much of your life is yours, and how much of it belongs to some collective partnership effort?—and it’s no wonder that you’re tempted. Very tempted, even if you’re single.

You won’t get it all worked out just yet. There’s too much confusion in the air. You may get it from all sides this month, with friends, family members, maybe even your boss chipping in their two cents about your personal life. The funny thing is, the conversations that sound the most convincing may in fact be the ones that are dead wrong—for you, anyway.

As you’re pulled back and forth between the various viewpoints, remember: nothing has to be decided this month. Listen, but pass no judgments, not just yet. Let it all slowly build into a big, coherent picture; soon, the right questions will start asking themselves.

public life

Work and career will be a bit of a madhouse in some ways, and you’ll do well to spend as much time as possible taking care of your own business, rather than anyone else’s. Communications are fried; even the simplest statement (“Have a nice weekend?”) could be totally misconstrued (“Are you trying to imply that I goofed off when I should have been working overtime?”) A sense of humor and a c’est la vie attitude is your best bet.

However, be on the lookout for a renewed sense of “Hey, this may suck, but we’re all in it together,” especially after the 15th. Despite the hitches and petty annoyances, you could wind up feeling better about your working life than you have in a long time.

(Virgo tattoo pictured above by Goldenlands Gallery.
Visit here.)


Anonymous said...

Laura, thanks a lot. I know a very few things about astrology, but I really like your posts because, unlike most astrologists, you are not afraid of showing some distance and irony. Astrology needs more wits, if only to attract the skeptical (such as me).


Laura F. Walton said...

Thanks, Thomas! I'm glad you enjoy. I also teach creative writing courses, and one of the hardest things in the world is getting folks to let their natural selves, their personalities, to open up in the writing.

Life itself is pretty ironic-- and damn funny, when you come to think about it. If astrology doesn't reflect life, then what's the point?

Good to hear from you....

Anonymous said...

I came across this blog through Seduction Central and I must say that I look forward to reading more from you. I love astrology and horoscopes and I read anything and everything about them when I can.