sagittarius, the centaur
november 22 -- december 20
sagittarius in october
If there’s ever been a time when it’s more tempting to lash out against groupthink, I can’t imagine it. You have your own dreams, your own needs, your own ideas—why are you still sacrificing them for the benefit of everyone else?
This question will be very much on your mind in October, as it rightfully should be. If you’ll take my advice, though, you’ll use a little circumspection. Even though there’s some person or group or system that is obviously holding you back, they’re also obviously helping you in some way, too. Several old sayings come to mind, ones about biting hands that feed you, cutting off noses and spiting faces, things of that nature.
Yes, you need to assert your own will. Yes, you need to start now. But, for one thing, you’re not at the top of your game this month; this is the time of year you should spend in personal reflection and review. Your vitality will fall somewhat as the month progresses, and you won’t feel quite yourself until November. Bold action isn’t the best idea.
There’s a subtle sense of clarity beginning to dawn within you; even though things are a hectic mess, you can sense a Big Revelation (and maybe a Big Revolution, too) on its way. Do as much of your self-assertion as possible inside your own heart this month, and wait ‘til November before making many moves, especially in your career and home life. Your time is coming, Centaur. Wait for it....
sex life
By mid-month, you’re a sexual magnet. It’s as if you’re giving off some kind of pheremone that says “Come over here, tell me your deepest, darkest secrets, and maybe I’ll show you the time of your life, you lucky devil!” They’re flocking like pigeons to a bread truck explosion, and some part of you is absolutely loving it, single or not.
Be cautious about telling too many different stories to too many different people, though. “Playing the cards as they turn up” may be gratifying in some way, but rest assured, you’ll get called on it in October. Someone—perhaps a partner, perhaps a friend—will cut decisively through whatever webs you’ve been tempted to weave, and all the emotional appeals in the world will fall flat. They’re just not buying it, no matter how sorry you say you are.
Look to the Full Moon of the 14th for some extremely disruptive action in your romantic life; conversation plays a big role in it, whatever “it” turns out to be.
public life
This could be a very confrontational month, in many ways. You’re still extremely busy with work and group activities, but there’s also a ton of infighting, backstabbing, and radical role-shuffling going on. As I mentioned in your General forecast above, October is not the best time for making any major moves; too much is hidden, too much is undecided, and too much is still in flux. Wait.
Not that you shouldn’t stand up for yourself, of course. If you’re truly threatened, by all means make your stand. But this is not the time to rush in and overthrow the oppressor, if you know what I mean, even if the oppressor is just your asshole boss.
Take it easy, use this month to really think about things, and make your plans. The time will come soon enough for decisive actions.
(pictures above: The Centaur by Auguste Rodin. I don't know where it's currently housed, but you can find pics everywhere.)
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