capricorn, the goat
december 21 -- january 19
capricorn in october
The struggles between many Capricorns and their spiritual or educational authorities are getting worse. It seems that not everything you’ve been told is true, and your values system is all out of whack because of it. Kind of infuriating, isn’t it? Kind of makes you want to lash out, or excommunicate yourself, or some damn thing, doesn’t it?
I’ll tell you like I told Sagittarius, though: beware of biting the hand that feeds you. For now, you’re getting benefit as well as grief from whatever overarching system this is that’s cramping your style. Besides, your own intentions and beliefs are far from clear, especially this month.
In some way, your inner self is having a hard time reconciling itself to your public persona—but frankly, your inner self would have a hard time distinguishing its butt from the Sydney Opera House at the moment. Too much is going on; you’re pulled in too many directions, hearing too many conflicting stories, to be certain of the direction you ought to take.
Give it another month, Capricorn. Gather information from as many sources as possible (your dreams could be particularly enlightening after the 10th or so) and wait for the big picture to come into focus. By your upcoming birthday, you’ll be living in a whole new world.
sex life
Probably not particularly exciting this month, except perhaps in theory. Lots of folks are dealing with “boy/girl” issues more than usual in October, but that’s as much a symptom of the general polarization (“polarization” automatically means “strictly defined sides”) as anything else.
There’s still something incredibly sexy yet incredibly repulsive about Authority & The Crowd this month; the Full Moon of the 14th could hold a few short-lived but sharp disruptions. You’re different from Them, no matter how seductive They are...vive la difference, eh? If you can hold that attitude, you may stumble onto a brand-new obsession. Again, look to your dreams for clues.
public life
Miscommunications and misunderstandings are inevitable. You may find yourself talking through plans and instructions over and over a hundred times, only to discover later that everybody’s still confused. Plans, schemes, and strategies have a way of backfiring all month, but especially in early October.
What this month is good for is review. If it’s time to go back and revisit old projects or brush up old protocol, this is a fine time to do it. Success may require more conversation than you’d like (and perhaps a more liberal definition of “success”) but it can be done, and profitably.
Have patience, and keep talking. You won’t have much choice anyway.
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