
Friday, March 21, 2008

Facing Pluto

Yes, I'm on about that little non-planet again, and for good reason.

Today's full Moon happens to be squared by none other than Pluto, the planet of intensity, death/rebirth, and fate. Pluto rules "depth experiences" (e.g.: those happenings that turn your world upside down and rip your heart out through your throat...usually metaphorically, thank god.) Pluto rules those hard-core truths we hate to face, in others and in ourselves.

When Pluto squares the Sun and Moon by transit, folks who have hard aspects among these three planets in their natal charts often feel the effects. If transiting Pluto also happens to be triggering a natal planet directly, then double-ditto-and-then-some. With-a-cherry-bomb-on-top.

Arguments, power struggles, blow-ups, "last straws," dramatic scenes, and the like are distinct possibilities. Some of us may feel like we're finally at the end of some particular rope, and decide that today is the day to do something about it, once and for all.

Is it the right thing to do? That's a question everyone has to answer for themselves. When Pluto is involved, "right" and "wrong" can get hurled out of the window pretty quickly. If Pluto dredges up a situation that is truly unbalanced-- and has been for ages-- then a blow-up might be the only way to make any progress.

Then again, keep in mind that touchiness is in the air, as is full Moon lunacy in general. Don't fire the cannons indiscriminately; we all have a tendency (subconsciously, of course) to take out aggression and frustration on what appears to be the safest target.

Here's a great article on dealing with tough Pluto issues that I found on the ThirdAge blog: Working With Difficult Pluto Transits . It's one of the best I've seen lately.

Plutonian issues often seem to revolve around sex and sexuality. If sex is not the core issue (actually, it's usually about power) then it's usually one of the triggers or factors involved.
The repression and evasion surrounding sexuality-- both external and internal-- is what often ties it to Pluto. Pluto demands truth, and will get it one way or another.

With the Libran full Moon, the Venus/Mercury conjunction in Pisces, and the wide Grand Square to Mars, look to the ties in your life that have a sexual and/or romantic componant. They may be the ones that come into Pluto's sights for a couple of days.