
Monday, March 31, 2008

Libra in August 2008

libra, the scales

23 september -- 23 october

libra in august

This could be a strange month, Libra, very strange indeed. In honor of its innate strangeness, let’s start at the end of August and work backwards, shall we?

By the last days of August, all eyes will be on you. You’ll be the Go-To Guy/Gal for all the world’s minor problems; they’ll seek you out for advice, input, criticism, and support. For several weeks, you’ll exude a quiet, almost reticent-yet-magnetic attraction—it won’t be all business they’re after, either.

But you could be too shell-shocked to enjoy it. The middle part of August will offer many temptations to push yourself beyond your current limits, both physically and emotionally.

Unexpected situations may arrive without warning, especially at work, with friends, and within social organizations. You’ll feel compelled to wade right into the fray, even though you’re already tired and your nerves are almost shot. It’ll be a matter of “too much shit to shift and not enough shovel to shift it,” as some of my more colorful and alliterative cousins might say.

Part of this mid-month fatigue is due to the nagging feeling that you must consolidate old business. Some of it is drudgery, and some of it is uncomfortably confrontational, but there’s a little voice that says “Get on with it...there’s not much time.” The little voice is correct; Pluto has given you a small window of reprieve and review, but he’ll move back into a tense square configuration with your sign by October. Life will change, and what doesn’t get resolved now will fall by the wayside. That’s how lifelong regrets are born.

There is some fantastic support out there for you, if you proceed with your resolution efforts. Some of it is hidden, and you may not find out about it until long after the fact. Some of it originates at home, despite any ongoing tensions.

The beginning of August will lead naturally into these other issues. Watch the eclipses closely (August 1 and August 16...read more about them here) for signs of new beginnings, especially in social situations.

These eclipses are another part of the kick-off show for the major shifts we’ll undergo in the fall; Libra is in a better position than most to consciously recognize them for what they are: the start of something special.

Just like August itself.

Good Things: Even though you may go through a couple of weeks of being in the dark about unexpected changes happening around you, you’ll be in a perfect position to arbitrate the final outcome, once Mercury moves into your sign on August 28. Until then, keep your ear to the ground and try to relax as best you can.

Sex Life: You’ll feel a definite spike in your libido near month’s end. Some of the unusual events of the month may lead to further romantic intrigue, too. Whatever it is, it’ll be good for you in the long run; this month’s love affairs will be more about healing than pleasure.