
Monday, January 28, 2008

Scorpio in September 2008

scorpio (the scorpion)
24 october -- 22 november

scorpio in september


Feel like you’re in the dark about a few important issues? It’s as if people are deliberately withholding information, deliberately ducking behind doors to carry out important negotiations, deliberately plotting coups without letting you in on the scheme. What the hell is going on?

Rest assured that this is a passing phenomenon, and has very little to do with you. While it’ll be tempting to go into forensic-detective mode, don’t. If you do get caught up in trying to uncover the murky doings of others, you’ll lose your focus.

And you need your focus. Your financial life is taking a huge turn, as is your day-to-day life. Commuting is lucky, chatting up new colleagues is lucky, exchanging thirty text messages a day with business associates is lucky. Playing Secret Squirrel spy games is not lucky, and will only stir up unproductive trouble.

It’s going to be a surprising month, one of the most interesting you’ve had in a long while—don’t waste it on trivia. By late next month, the info that seems so elusive now will practically fall at your feet and beg for attention. And you won’t have to lift a finger.

sex life

So, are you friends or lovers? Is he your booty call or beard? Is she attracted, or are you just the official Flirt Buddy, doomed forever to do nothing more than help her hone her hunting skills?

If you insist on solid answers to this kind of question, you’re in for a few upsets this month. Right now, powerful and unpredictable forces rule your romantic and social life, and certainty is out of the question.

Saturn’s at one end, fussing over the details of all your “arrangements.” Uranus is at the other, shooting the bird at any attempt to clarify, solidify, or categorize your personal life. Friends morph into lovers, and lovers into colleagues, and colleagues into “some guy I sleep with every now and then but don’t really like.” And then they morph back again.

It’s crazy-making, but only if you let it get to you. You have a choice, you know.

public life

Your money-making methods are undergoing major renovations. You’ve been working on these for quite a while, and this month is the time when it all comes together. You’ve already undergone the most hair-raising phases of this transition, and are now ready to face the day-to-day challenges of what will soon become a new way of life.

Expect one more major obstacle, culminating near the 21st—it won’t be a total surprise, since you’ve been dealing with the same annoying situation for weeks. But this will be the decisive turning point. Somehow, you’re being perceived as a threat to this person or situation...stay alert, Scorpio. Your position is solid, yes, but you could still upset the apple cart if you act impulsively. Take time to think, and then act openly and without hesitation. You’re good at that, I know.

(photo above: In My Car by a sufian k.
View it here.)