
Monday, January 28, 2008

Sagittarius in September 2008

sagittarius (the centaur)
23 november -- 21 december

sagittarius in september


Last month, I commiserated with Gemini about the linked fates of the mutable signs. This month it’s your turn. To put it bluntly: we’re all being told to quit dithering and freakin’ do something already. The Universe, or the Goddess, or the Big Practical Joker in the Sky is sick to death of us sliding through life, waiting for stuff to happen, so we can then decide how we want to react.

We’re being shoved right out onto the edge of the cliff. If we don’t jump of our own free will, we’ll be pushed—without apologies, without ceremony, without a choice.

Choices are difficult for mutable signs, but here’s a secret: when we actually make them, we benefit in ways that no Aries or Capricorn or Scorpio ever dreamed. Our choices have a kind of subtle power; to actually come off our relativistic, “wait-and-see” attitude requires an enormous amount of faith.

When we make solid choices, what we’re actually making is wishes. The Universe (or Dog, or the Big Grant Review Committee in the Sky) prefers wishes to demands, and often moves in ways that are stunning, poignant, and mystifying to the more decisive signs.

Make your wish, Sagittarius. Do it before the cliff crumbles beneath you, and your secret power is forfeited.

sex life

For the most part, you’ll be too busy dealing with upsets and rapid changes in your public life to give much attention to your love affairs. It’ll be tempting to let them rock along as they have been, and that may be the best approach this month.

However, at least one major personal shocker will directly effect your personal life. This may happen with a family member, a spouse, or one of your closest people—there’s just no way to make the kind of serious lifestyle adjustments you’re making without altering the security axis of your life. By the end of the month, expect a few tearful, bittersweet encounters with someone you love—things are changing, and it’s no one’s fault. Compassion is called for.

public life

If you’ve read the Overview for this month, you should be prepared for just about anything—and for you, Sagittarius, it’s your career and social life where anything goes.

The week of the Full Moon of the 15th will bring the biggest surprises. On one hand, there’s some excellent, excellent luck and benevolence attached to these surprises; on the other, they’ll accelerate tension in other areas of your life. You’ll have real choices to make.

When it all starts moving, it’ll move very quickly—but you know what you want, don’t you? Even snap decisions should be easy, since they’ll be made from that place deep inside you that knows exactly what’s best. Right?

(photo above: Gould's Portrait of the Former "Lindas Ex" in Brooklyn by Anna Schulz. View it here.)