
Monday, January 28, 2008

Libra in September 2008

libra (the scales)
23 september -- 23 october

libra in september


In some weird way, you, Libra, will be the catalyst for much of this month’s upheaval. You may not actually instigate anything, not intentionally, but somehow you’ll be involved in countless dramas. Despite it all, though, it’s a good month to be you. Your personal energy and charisma factor is sky-high, and people are still flocking to you for advice, commiseration, and support.

Whether they’ll pay any attention to what you tell them is questionable, but don’t you worry about that...everybody will be too caught up in their own individual chaos for the moment, but one of these days, they’ll remember who it was that tried to help.

Anyway, you have your own slice of the chaos pie to deal with. Deep changes in your personal life are officially underway (read last month’s scope for more) and there’s some tricky navigation ahead. Do most of it before Mercury turns retrograde in your sign on the 24th, when “tricky” morphs into “damn-near impossible.”

And keep smiling. We like it when you smile at us.

sex life

Your confidence is super-attractive, you know, and there are some sweet opportunities for romance this month. Even though parts of your life seem to be falling down around your ears, there will be a few moments of togetherness that make it all seem worthwhile.

The week leading up to the 15th may be tough. You’re immersed in several endings and beginnings, and you’ll need the flexibility of Elastic Man to juggle them all successfully. This is just one of those inevitable moments in life when nothing is clean, when everything overlaps in the most disconcerting way—luckily, you have a sky full of Libran planets on your side. It won’t be long before you’ve made it through the gauntlet, and are set to reap the rewards on the other side.

At least one of those rewards will be romantic. Nice, huh?

public life

Well, not everything can be sweetness and light...remember all the inexplicable nuttiness of August? I’m afraid September is no better, and may even get worse. Your daily life and service goals have become a bit of a minefield—who’s going to explode next? And what in the world is setting them off?

Questions like these will get you nowhere. Everyone is caught up in an Uranian game of “let’s just do, oh, say, this...and see what happens!” and there's really nothing anyone can do about it. The ultimate goal is a shakeup of calcified habits and assumptions, but the immediate results are unsettling, to say the least.

Expect the biggest changes to take effect near the end of November, and until then, just do your best. Remember, they’re all nuts, but it’s not their fault—let’s just blame Uranus for the moment, shall we?

(photo above: Killer Slippers by Poppolina. View it here.)