aquarius in october
Even though your heart and head keeps telling you to do your own thing, there’s a seductive quality about group endeavors this month. So much is happening out there—you’re getting invitations, requests, offers, and promises from all over the map—that you can’t resist saying “yes” to at least a few of them.
I never thought I’d say this to an Aquarius, but don’t ignore that little voice inside you that tells you to stay separate. If you give in to the demands of everyone else, despite your own need for independence and personal freedom, you’ll crack, probably explosively, and probably by the 15th.
You need some space. You’re watching old dreams fade away before your eyes; the next chapter of your life will begin soon, but not until you pass completely through a healing period. Healing requires grieving, and grieving can’t be done in public.
Let go, Aquarius. The new dreams are on the way, but you gotta make room for them first.
sex life
You have sex on the brain this month, Aquarius, and not just sex with a specific person, but sex in general. How does your sex life affect the rest of your life? How does your sexual persona fit with your career persona, your family structure, your inner self? Is your current sex life fulfilling your needs, or is it more trouble than it’s worth? What exactly are your needs anyhow?
This is a far better month to ponder such things than it is to go out and experiment. The time for action will come later, but for now, you’re better off thinking realistically about them. Your favorite playmates are all a little cool this month anyway, and to tell the truth, so are you.
Take some time to talk these things over with a counselor or a neutral friend, if you like. It won’t be long before you’ll be ready for a little hypothesis-testing again.
public life
Authorities and authority figures are still holding the thumbscrews to your financial life. As badly as you want to break free, there’s really nothing you can do to avoid them; somehow, these same authorities are also helping you at the moment.
Be extra careful with contracts and agreements, even verbal ones. You’re being held to every last little detail of every damned deal you’ve ever made (that’s what Saturn in your solar 8th will do for you) and when you renege, you pay the price. It’s that simple.
Watch your agreements oh so carefully—this cycle is far from over. The good thing about Saturn here is that when you do follow through, the rewards are substantial. It’s up to you, Aquarius.
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