
Monday, March 31, 2008

Gemini in August 2008

gemini, the twins

may 22 -- june 21

gemini in august

Don’t you just hate the fact that your fate is tied up with the fates of all those other nutty mutable signs? It’s like there are invisible strings attached to the fascinating-but-infuriating Sagittarians, the prissy, particular Virgoans, and the Pisceans, who are all just weird.

Sorry, Twins, but it’s a fact: the mutable signs are in this together. The events of August are the perfect case in point.

While Gemini may avoid most of the eclipse weirdness (read more about them here) there’s no way to avoid the screaming horde of planets tearing through Virgo.
Well, in Virgo, it may be more like a stampeding clump of fussy, hypochondriac accountants, but you get the idea: practically everything heads through Virgo this month—the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Eros, not to mention Saturn who’s already there.

This means that almost every one of these planets will a.) square your sign, b.) make an opposition to Uranus in Pisces, which is also square your sign, and c.) make a square to Pluto in Sagittarius, which is opposing to your sign.


Squares don’t make good neighbors. Squares are tense, argumentative, and irritating. Even though there are no planets officially in Gemini—it’s the other mutables who are hosting—Gemini may take the brunt of August’s festivities.

It’s not as if you’re not a part of this, though. The Saturn/Uranus opposition, which will begin moving into position in Virgo and Pisces within months, will square your sign throughout—this is especially true for late-born Gems or late-degree Gem ascendants. In fact, you may be behaving as the stubborn, immovable object against which Saturn and Uranus sharpen their claws.

This is not to mention Pluto, who will continue to face off against you from Sagittarius until November. These are the Big Boys, dear Twins, and as incongruous as it may seem, they’re channeling themselves through your usually-charming fellow mutables.

Do any of us really want to be dealt into the Big Boys’ game?

I’m not sure we have a choice.

Good Things: The eclipses should actually be nice to you, maybe even surprisingly beneficial. Look to the second one particularly, the lunar eclipse on August 16, for some extremely interesting news.

Sex Life: The romantic pace will pick up by the end of the month, as will your libido. However, you may tend to intellectualize romance instead of experiencing it. Which would you rather do? Both? “Hang on a second, I need to make some notes!”? Could happen....