
Monday, March 31, 2008

Taurus in August 2008

taurus, the bull

april 21 -- may 21

taurus in august

August begins in the same place July ends: with your sights focused firmly on you. Stubbornness is both your best and your worst trait, Mr. or Ms. Taurus, and when you point your immovable will at your own self, you can become pretty preoccupied.

Your family and oldest friends might be feeling the chilly, uncompromising edges of all this recent You-Centeredness. The eclipses of the 1st and 16th (read more here) are squared to your sign, and you may face some surprising backlash.

“But aren’t I supposed to focus on self-improvement?” you may say. “Aren’t I due a little Me-First time?” Of course you are, and the planets have supported the recent bout of self-centered reflection, improvement, and reward. We all need it, want it, and deserve it...it’s good for us...but....

The time is coming to focus on the outer world again. August will be filled with interesting happenings, most of which will require you to come out of yourself long enough to notice them. You're about to become super-busy all of a sudden; by the end of August, the pace of your life will be running a hard 70 and still accelerating.

While it’s tempting to stay wrapped up in home life and simple Me-First pleasures, events will begin to propel you outward. It’s a good thing, I promise. This is a great time to tie up the loose ends of any dangling projects; this month, Saturn and Jupiter are happy to help.

Some of these loose ends may involve romantic tangles, too. Keep working at them until they begin to loosen up—patience is just stubbornness in drag, you know, so keep at it.

All of the fast-moving planets, plus the asteroid Eros, will move through fellow earth sign Virgo this month. Romance is almost inevitable.

If you can shift your focus from Me-First to You-Too, that is.

Good Things: By the end of the month, your working life will be swinging. Oh, the usual interpersonal conflicts will arise, but you enjoy the occasional butting of heads, don’t you? Late August and the first part of September are perfect for getting stuff done.

Sex Life: Lots of action in this department in August. If you’ve been patiently waiting out a reluctant lover from the past, you could make some headway this month. Very interesting....