
Friday, August 29, 2008

September Horoscopes Are Here!

september 2008 horoscopes are here!

the month in brief
(individual scopes below)

You thought last month was weird? Just wait ‘til September gets rolling....

There won’t be much of a break in the ongoing action until at least the third week of the month. We experienced the opening ceremonies of the Saturn/Uranus opposition in August, but the Sun/Saturn conjunction in Virgo marks the official kick-off on September 4.

We also have yet another Mercury retrograde to deal with later in the month; the Messenger/Trickster turns tail on September 24, enhancing communication glitches. By then, though, even a full-scale power outage will have a certain hermetic appeal

Oh, and Jupiter and Pluto both go direct within 24 hours of one another, around September 9. Stuck issues will slam unstuck like a stubborn silverware drawer that finally jumps its tracks and lands on your instep. Listen for the comical “boi-oing!” of the knife that flies across the room and sticks point-first in the linoleum—trust me, the cat’s surprised too— start cultivating your sense of humor now, because you’ll need it.

This promises to be a wild September, an appropriate opener to a wild year...medals all around for those who survive with good humor intact.

The scopes are designed to give overall themes for both Sun signs and Ascendant signs. Always read both, no matter whose scopes you're scoping.

If you don't know your Ascendant, get a free computer-calculated chart at http://www.astro.com/

(remember, all scopes are my opinion-- no more, no less. for entertainment purposes only.)

Copyright Laura F. Walton